SDM - Salad Days Magazine
SDM stands for Salad Days Magazine
Here you will find, what does SDM stand for in Publishing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Salad Days Magazine? Salad Days Magazine can be abbreviated as SDM What does SDM stand for? SDM stands for Salad Days Magazine. What does Salad Days Magazine mean?The Publishing company falls under publishing category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of SDM
- Brown Field, San Diego, California USA
- Service Delivery Management
- Sonic Death Monkey
- Scientific Data Management
- Spatial Data Modelling
- Selective Display Model
- Service Decision Memorandum
- Shut Down Maintenance
View 107 other definitions of SDM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SAML Southport Asset Management Limited
- SGDN Savage Gold and Diamond Network
- STAPS St Thomas the Apostle Primary School
- SITS Stratus IT Solutions
- SLN Senior Living News
- SS Slice of Stainless
- SCL Simply Clean Limited
- SCUKL Smart Computers UK Limited
- SMV Strategic Marketing Ventures
- SJCPS St Johns Catholic Primary School
- SSI Survival Systems International
- SNA Solorio Nieto Abogados
- SBS Style By Sarai
- STI Synthetic Turf International
- SFL Strategy Falcons LLC
- SEL Sparr Electronics Limited
- SSSA The Smith Sawyer Smith Agency
- SEPL Showboat Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
- SVSI Southern Valve Service Inc